OpenNDA 0.0
This is the OpenNDA version 0.0 it is copyright Ian Carr-de Avelon 8 Oct 1999,
it may be reproduced and distributed freely.
Modified versions may be produced providing that they are not called "OpenNDA"
without agreement of the Author or anyone to whome the author later assigns
the right to make new versions or endorse new versions.
Electronic component.: An electronic component is any physical device made from a material or collection of materials which are chosen because of electrical propertiesessential to the intended perpouse of the component.
Programing: Programing is changing, permenantly or temperarily, the electrical propertiesof the materials or part or parts of the materials in a component in orderto change the properties of the component.
Electronic Design: An electronic design is a description of how a collection of electroniccomponents can be: connected, brought into proximity or anarangement relative to eachother, and/or programed; so that the conglomerationhas properties which the components do not have if they are not: so connected, brought into proximity or an arangement relative to eachother, and/or programed.
Open Comercial ware NDA
You agree that you will not pass the design or section(s) of the design ortechniques learned from the design to anyone not bound by this agreement.
You may not use the design or section(s) of the designs of your own design(s).
You may not produce devices based on the design or parts of the design.
You may produce designs of systems which are capable of being connected andinteracting with a device built according to the design covered by the NDA.
You may design a modification to the NDAed design and modify devices whichhave been produced by the owner of the design or somebody licenced by the design owner to produce devices from the design.
Any modifications you design may be passed to others only if they are bound by this NDA.
Open free ware NDA
You agree that you will not pass the design or section(s) of the design ortechniques learned from the design to anyone not bound by this agreement.
If you produce designs which incorporate the NDAed design or section(s)of the NDAed design or techniques you have learned from the NDAed design, you must inform anyone to whome you pass the design that your designdraws from an NDAed design and provide a copy (at no more than the costof reproduction) of the NDAed design at their request, provided that they are prepared to be bound by this NDA.
If you sell devices built according to the design or parts of the design,or techniques learned from the design, you must on request provide a copy(at no more thant the cost of reproduction) of the device design, provided they agree to be bound by either (at your choice) the Open free ware NDA orthe Open Comercial ware NDA.