Shell keys -- Basic commands -- Documentation -- I/O redirection -- Permissions -- Installing software -- Configuration -- User accounts -- File systems -- More commands -- Custom commands -- References
Handled by readline library compiled into bash shell; also available as frontend rlwrap / rline.
Key | Action | Key | Action | |
Tab | Auto-complete command or file name | Alt-!, Alt-$, Alt-/ | Autocomplete command / shell variable / file name | |
Alt-B, Alt-F | Word backward / forward | Alt-Backspace | Backspace word | |
Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E | To start / end of line | Ctrl-K, Ctrl-W | Delete to end of line / to previous space | |
Ctrl-R, Alt- > | Search history backwards / go to latest | Ctrl-Y, Insert; Alt-Y | Insert latest kill / replace by previous |
Key | Action | Signal | Notes |
Ctrl-C | Interrupt (permanently) | INT | See kill (1), signal (7) |
Ctrl-Z | Stop (interrupt temporarily) | STOP | Cannot be caught |
jobs, fg | View / continue stopped job | -- | Shell commands, not terminal shortcut |
Ctrl-S, Ctrl-Q | Stop / continue terminal output | -- | Doesn't work with PuTTY |
Shift-PageUp, Shift-PageDown | Scroll terminal output | -- | |
Ctrl-D | Exit shell | -- |
Command | Action | Type |
cp, mv, rm | Copy / move or rename / remove file | Binary exe |
mkdir, rmdir | Create / remove directory | Binary exe |
cd | Change current directory (cd - back) | Shell command |
ls, ll | Display files and directories | Binary exe / alias for ls -l |
top, ps, pstree | Display running processes | Binary exe |
-h | Print usage message (help) |
-i | Interactive (user confirmation); or case insensitive |
-r, -R | Recursively process subdirectories |
-q | Quiet (less or no output) |
-v | Verbose (more output) |
help | Shell commands | man | Most binary exe's | |
info | Gnu project programs | /usr/share/doc/... | Dummyware (HTML or PDF) |
Manual page sections (see man man): 1) user commands, 2) system calls, 3) library functions, 5) configuration files, 8) administration commands (etc.). Nomenclature: "see ls (1)". Explicitly give section or display manual pages from all sections:
man 1 ls # view manual page about ls from section 1 man 1 intro # view introduction to manual page section 1 man -a kill # view manual page from all sections man -k kill # search headlines
Manual pages are displayed with less by default. Key summary:
Cursor keys, Page up/down, Home, End | as usual |
< > | To top / to bottom |
/ | Search (regular expressions allowed; history) |
n N | Next / previous search result |
q | Quit |
cmd > file | Redirect output to file | cmd < file | Get input from file | |
cmd &> file | Redirect stdout and stderr | cmd << EOF | Get input from "here document" | |
cmd1 | cmd2 | Pipe: output of cmd1 = input of cmd2 | = following lines until EOF | ||
cmd `cmd2` | Put output of cmd2 on command line of cmd1 | cmd <<<"String" | Get input from string |
cat | Pass data through | tee | Copy to file and stdout | |
wc | Count characters, words, lines | head, tail | First or last n lines | |
grep | Filter lines by regular expression | cut, tr | Extract columns / transliterate |
ls -1 | wc -l # number of files and subdirectories ps -lf | cat # prevent right cutoff
UNIX file permissions: Read, write and execute for file owner, group and others.
Command | Action | Argument / Syntax | Notes |
ls -l | List file(s) | -rwxr-x--- | Readable and executable by owner and group, writable only by owner, no access for others |
chmod | Change file permissions | a+x / o=r | Enable execution by all / make read-only for others |
chgrp | Change file group | Group ID | |
chown | Change file ownership | User ID | Only root (admin) may do this |
id | List groups of a user | User ID | Argument defaults to current user |
newgrp | Change user's current group | Group ID | This determines group of new files |
umask | Change file permission mask | as for chmod | This determines permissions of new files |
Frequent use: Restricting access to devices by assigning a dedicated group to the device file and disabling access for others:
crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 2011-11-07 09:27 /dev/lp0
Ubuntu offers ~37000 packages -- enough for most purposes.
Package managers differ between distros. Ubuntu has the high-level command-line tool aptitude. Syntax:
aptitude [<options>] <command> <arguments>
search <keyword> | Search for package (-w 170 recommended) | show <package> | Show package details | |
install <package> ... | Install package(s) and their dependencies | remove <package> ... | Remove package(s) |
Compile as normal user:
Install as root:
Exercise: Print out (exclusively) the Ubuntu packages that start with "abc" (Hint: \< is the regular expression for a left word boundary)
Global configuration files are text files in /etc. Notable config files:
/etc/passwd | Users and their primary group, no password | /etc/shadow | Users and hashed password | |
/etc/network/interfaces | Network interface configuration | /etc/ssh/sshd_config and .../ssh_config | SSH server and client configuration | |
/etc/init.d/ | Scripts starting / stopping services | /etc/profile.d/... | Settings read by shell at startup | |
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ | Settings for aptitude | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | X11 (GUI) server configuration |
See section 5 manual pages for documentation. Edit with any text editor as root, except for passwd and friends (see below).
Like shell variables, they are dereferenced with "$" in the shell.
$PATH | Executable search paths separated by ":" (prettyprint: echo $PATH | tr : '\n') | |||
$EDITOR | Default text editor | $PAGER | Program to view text page by page | |
$PRINTER | Default printer | $http_proxy, $ftp_proxy, $no_proxy | HTTP / FTP proxy / exceptions |
Listing environment variables:
To set an environment variable globally, add something like the following to a file ending .sh in /etc/profile.d: (For per-user settings, put the line in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc.)
export PATH="new/path:$PATH"
adduser, deluser, addgroup, delgroup | high-mid-level user / group creation / modification / removal according to /etc/adduser.conf |
useradd, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel | mid-level user / group creation / modification / removal |
vipw, vigr, visudo | Edit passwd / group / sudoers file with $EDITOR; with syntax check |
adduser --ingroup users newuser # give --ingroup to prevent usergroup creation adduser newuser othergroup # additional group membership
Shell | Command | Password | Notes |
su -l | su -c | root | Still safe if user password is compromised |
sudo -i | sudo | user | Access can be revoked without root password change |
/etc/sudoers syntax:
<user / %group> <host(s)> = ( <target user> ) <command(s)> thisuser ALL = (root) ALL # allow thisuser to do anything as root %admin ALL = (root) ALL # allow admin group to gain root privileges thisuser ALL = (otheruser) opera # allow thisuser to run opera as otheruser
No drive letters as in Windoze, but one large directory tree. File systems are made available at designated directories called mount points.
/proc/partitions | Disk partitions and sizes |
/etc/fstab | Configured partitions, file systems and mount points |
df -h, /proc/mounts, /etc/mtab | Mounted file systems |
Mounting and unmounting a file system: (root only, except with the "user" option in /etc/fstab)
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk # mount <device representing partition> <mount point> umount /mnt/disk # historical misspelling
Device /dev/sdc1 = sd SCSI disk, c third disk, 1 first partition.
Device files (traditionally in /dev) map to Linux device drivers. File-like access is usually possible:
cp /dev/sdc1 /tmp/image | Create partition image (better use dd) |
less /dev/ttyS0 | Read from serial interface (assumes baud rate etc. have been set correctly) |
Symbolic links refer to other files by name. Create with:
ln -s path/to/target link_name
Use ls -F to identify special files, and ls -l or readlink to see target.
Exercise: List all symlinks in /usr/bin with the help of ls -l and grep.
In order of decreasing suitability for dummies.
GUI editors | nedit, emacs / xemacs |
Text-based editors running in a terminal | pico, emacs -nw, vi |
Automated editing in pipes | sed, awk |
find | Search for files by various criteria | grep -rl | Search for files by content (-i case insensitive) | |
locate | Search for files by name in database | dpkg -L / dpkg -S | List files in package / package of file | |
file | Identify file type | identify | Identify image type |
find . -iname \*ircam\* # Search current dir for file names containing "ircam" (case insensitive) grep -irl ircam . # Search current dir for files containing the string "ircam"
bc -l | Arbitrary precision calculator | units | Unit conversion | |
socat | Network socket and serial interface access | hexdump, hd, od | Hex dump | |
hexedit | Hex editor; supports bit searches with Volker's patch | convert | Image conversion and automated processing |
Aliases | alias newcmd="..." | Substituted by string by shell | "Batch files" | Execute with source or . | |
Shell functions | function newcmd() { ... } | Can take arguments | Shell scripts, binary exe's | Put somewhere in $PATH |
If the first line of a text file is #!/path/to/interpreter and it has its executable bits set, the system will execute it by calling the interpreter with the script file name as an argument (and following command line arguments as applicable).
Interpreter line is #!/bin/sh, or #!/bin/bash if bash-specific features are required.
Command line arguments are $1, $2 and so on; number of arguments is $#. Use "$1" to preserve spaces; "$*" is all parameters as one string, "$@" is all parameters as separate strings. Further shell variables are created by assignment: varname=value.
Control flow:
if [ -n "$var" ]; then do_that ; fi # help if; help test for var in 1 2 foo bar ; do echo $var ; done # help for output_files | while read f ; do cat $f ; done # help while; help read
#!/bin/sh bc -l <<EOF ($1 - 32)*5/9 EOF
man bash | wc -l # ...and all worth reading 5718
UNIX tutorial with book recommendations
Introductory UNIX course with exercises
Comprehensive guide to programming the shell bash
List of useful command-line programs sorted by topic
Alphabetical list of shell commands and frequently used utilities