Indispensable UNIX utilities
Files, pipes and processes --
Plain text processing --
Binary files --
Arithmetic --
Networking and WWW
A list of utilities which might have saved me some work if I had known of them
sooner. Also but not primarily contains the standards "everybody" knows. I
added some brief explanations, and the place to download them from if your
distro does not contain them. Sometimes there are several which do the same
thing — usually developed independently. Those marked "shameless plug"
are my own.
Files, pipes and processes
File basics
- cat
- Output file(s)
- split
- Split file into smaller files
- packcd
- Group files into sets of given maximum size
- file
- Determine file type / format
- find
- Search the file system
Multiple file operations
- mmv
- Multiple file copy, move, append or link
- rename
- Multiple file rename by Perl expression
- multi
- Run command multiple times on different file (or non-file) arguments
- pushd, popd, dirs
- bash commands for changing and saving directory locations on a stack
- mkcd
- Create a directory and descend (shameless plug)
- rmcd
- Ascend and remove empty directory (shameless plug)
- pwdx
- Working directory of a process
- du, ncdu
- Disk space used by files and directories
Pipes and redirection
- tee
- Copy input to output and to file
- pee
- Copy input to output and to another command's input
- reservoir, sponge
- Buffer input, then write to file; allows in-place automated editing of files
- vipe
- Edit data piped between commands
- mispipe
- Make pipe return exit status of first command
- ifne
- Run command on non-empty input
- ps
- List running processes
- kill
- Send signal to process, by process ID
- pgrep
- Obtain process IDs from command name
- pkill
- Send signal to process, by command name
- skill
- Send signal to process, by various criteria
- watch
- Run a process periodically and redisplay output
- nice
- Run a command with a given priority
- renice, snice
- Change the priority of a process
- nohup
- Run a command, ignoring signals
- sudo
- Run a command with the rights of a different user
- taskset
- Set the CPU affinity of a process
- script
- Record shell session
- yes
- Output "y" or other string repeatedly; useful for piping into interactive commands
- zrun
- Run command on decompressed copy of file
- lckdo
- Prevent concurrent execution
- xargs
- Run command on every argument from stdin, possibly in parallel
- multi
- Run command multiple times on argument and transformed argument
- para
- Run multiple instances of a command in parallel on different files/arguments (shameless plug)
Plain text processing
- tac
- Reverse line order
- head
- Output initial lines only
- tail
- Output trailing lines only, or lines newly written
- since
- Output lines newly written (and keep track of status between calls)
- csplit
- Split text file on lines matching pattern
- dog
- Print file or URL; allows some editing such as line numbering, case
conversion etc.
- sort
- Sort lines
- comm
- Print lines contained or not contained in two sorted files
- uniq
- Print or remove sequentially repeated lines
- combine
- Print lines which are in both/either/one of two files, which need not be
- nl
- Number lines
- ts
- Prepend lines with time and date
- sed
- Stream editor; programmable automated line editing
- perl -n -e 'expression'
- Filter text line by line with Perl code
- iconv
- Convert between character encodings (part of GNU libc project)
- column
- Fill words into columns the way ls does
- colrm
- Remove columns
- cut
- Remove columns, by word, character of byte
- paste
- Concatenate corresponding lines from two files
- join
- Concatenate lines of sorted files when starting with same word
- awk
- Line-by-line (by default) automated text processing
Paragraph formatting
- fold
- Line breaking
- fmt
- Line breaking and refilling
- par
- More powerful alternative to fmt; supports customised line
prefixes, line suffixes and character types.
- grep
- Line filtering based on regular expressions
- numgrep
- Line filtering based on ranges of numbers or divisibility
- bool
- Word search with boolean operators and proximity
- diff
- List line-by-line differences between files
- patch
- Apply differences found by diff to other file
- wdiff
- Find word-by-word differences between files
- diff3
- List line-by-line differences between three files
- gendiff
- Recursively diff files of a directory tree against originals
Program code
- expand, unexpand
- Expand and unexpand tab characters
- unifdef
- Expand C preprocessor #ifdef's
Binary files
- strings
- Extract ASCII strings from binary data
- hexdump, od
- Output hexadecimal listing of binary files
- dog
- Among others, allows to hexdump a URL
- xxd
- Convert binary files to hexdump or vice versa; allows to do editing with
sed or other text filters in between (comes with vim)
- hexedit
- Hexadecimal editor running in text terminal; supports bit mask search with
this patch
- bbe
- Block-based binary editor
- bvi
- vi-like binary editor
- xxd
- Convert binary files to hexdump or vice versa; allows to do editing with
sed or other text filters in between (comes with vim)
- bined
- Shameless plug: a Perl-based automated hexadecimal editor
- cmp
- Find byte-by-byte difference between binary files
- xdelta
- Find, print or patch differences between binary files
- diffn, duff
- Compare a set of files to find duplicates
Binary executables
- ldd
- Print dynamic library dependencies
- nm
- List symbols
- strip
- Discard symbols
- size
- List section sizes
- readelf, objdump
- Print various information about object files
- seq, range
- Print an arithmetic progression (an equidistant sequence of numbers)
- factor
- Print the prime factorisation of a number
- bc
- Interactive or batch calculator
- dc
- Reverse polish calculator
- Magic bash variable returning random numbers
- /dev/random
- Source of binary random numbers
- units
- Command-line unit conversion
Networking and WWW
- ifdata
- Machine-readable output of network interface properties
- ping
- Check if host is reachable by sending echo requests
- nc, netcat
- "Network cat", connect your terminal to network
- cryptcat
- netcat with twofish encryption
- ncat
- netcat clone with additional features, such as proxy support,
session log, authentication etc.
- socat
- "Socket cat", more powerful than netcat, relay
between two endpoints, which may be sockets, your terminal, files, other
programs etc.
- nmap
- Port scanner and vulnerability checker
- httping
- Check connection to web server
- curl
- Download and output a set of URLs, supports glob-like syntax, and also
allows HEAD (header) requests
- wget
- Download web pages recursively
- wput
- FTP uploader
- lynx
- Web browser which runs in text terminal; can also output formatted page
- w3m
- Web browser which runs in text terminal; can also output formatted page and
supports tables
- links
- Browser both for text terminal and X (where it supports images);
allows colour calibration
- dog
- Download URL and optionally number lines, hexdump, extract links, print
line range etc.
- xmllint --shell
- Structure browser for XML and HTML files
TOS / Impressum