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Some improvements or reimplementations of tools written by others which I found useful, but which did not compile for me or which I wanted to make more useful still.

nsum - summing up plain text numbers

A more robust and versatile rewrite of numsum

diffn - the continuation of diff3 with other means

A small program for efficient n-by-n file comparisons

fmt.pl - versatile text formatting

A rewrite of the standard text formatter fmt with a slightly different purpose in mind

A Perl rename supporting enumeration

Perl's file renamer augmented by an index variable

unmht - Unpack MIME HTML archives

An unpacker for MIME HTML (.mht / .mhtml) archives saved by some browsers such as Opera

Readline input line support for all

Add readline editing support to any program

nl.pl and seq.pl

Simpler rewrites of nl and seq

TOS / Impressum