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Architecture arch of work.sdramCntl

Defined in System09_base/sdramcntl.vhd

Instantiated in...

work.XSASDRAMCntl (arch)

Libraries and global use clauses

library IEEE
use IEEE.numeric_std.all
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all
library UNISIM
use WORK.common.all

Type declarations

states of the SDRAM controller state machine
subtypesdramCmdis unsigned(5 downto 0)
subtypesdramModeis std_logic_vector(12 downto 0)
typeactiveRowTypeis array(0 to NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS-1) of std_logic_vector(row'range)


OUTPUT std_logic := '1'
INPUT std_logic := '0'
NOP std_logic := '0'
READ std_logic := '1'
WRITE std_logic := '1'
Tinit natural := 200
Tras natural := 45
Trcd natural := 20
Tref natural := 64_000_000
Trfc natural := 66
Trp natural := 20
Twr natural := 15
Txsr natural := 75
NORM natural := 1_000_000
INIT_CYCLES natural := 1+((Tinit*FREQ)/1000)
RAS_CYCLES natural := 1+((Tras*FREQ)/NORM)
RCD_CYCLES natural := 1+((Trcd*FREQ)/NORM)
REF_CYCLES natural := 1+(((Tref/NROWS)*FREQ)/NORM)
RFC_CYCLES natural := 1+((Trfc*FREQ)/NORM)
RP_CYCLES natural := 1+((Trp*FREQ)/NORM)
WR_CYCLES natural := 1+((Twr*FREQ)/NORM)
XSR_CYCLES natural := 1+((Txsr*FREQ)/NORM)
MODE_CYCLES natural := 2
CAS_CYCLES natural := 3
RFSH_OPS natural := 8
NOP_CMD sdramCmd := "011100"
ACTIVE_CMD sdramCmd := "001100"
READ_CMD sdramCmd := "010100"
WRITE_CMD sdramCmd := "010000"
PCHG_CMD sdramCmd := "001011"
MODE_CMD sdramCmd := "000011"
RFSH_CMD sdramCmd := "000111"
MODE sdramMode := "000" & "0" & "00" & "011" & "0" & "000"
ROW_LEN natural := log2(NROWS)
COL_LEN natural := log2(NCOLS)
NUM_ACTIVE_ROWS integer := int_select(MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS = false, 1, 2**ba'length)
CMDBIT_POS natural := 10
AUTO_PCHG_ON std_logic := '1'
AUTO_PCHG_OFF std_logic := '0'
ONE_BANK std_logic := '0'
ALL_BANKS std_logic := '1'


combinatorial (rd, wr, hAddr, hDIn, hDOut_r, sDIn, state_r, opBegun_x, activeFlag_r, activeRow_r, rdPipeline_r, wrPipeline_r, hDOutOppPhase_r, nopCntr_r, lock, rfshCntr_r, timer_r, rasTimer_r, wrTimer_r, refTimer_r, cmd_r, cke_r, activeBank_r, ba_r )
compute the next state and outputs
update (rst, clk)
update registers on the appropriate clock edge

Generated on 1 Jan 2018 19:48:42 with VHDocL V0.2.6